Now Included as a Limited Time Gift:

The Child Support Reduction Kit ...

Added Bonus! The Credit Cleansing Kit Also Comes With The Child Support Reduction Kit

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What is the Credit Cleansing Kit?

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How soon will I receive the Credit Cleansing Kit after payment?

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Good Credit is the Gateway to Luxury... Bad Credit is the Gateway to Poverty.

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Our Price Beats All Of The Competition

Most credit repair companies charge $99 down and an additional $99 a month for a minimum of 90 days. This is over $400 in fees, and the consumer has absolutely no knowledge of how they will help fix your credit. The Credit Cleansing Kit is transparent, simple, and affordable.

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Why Is the Credit Cleansing Kit So Affordable?

It's very simple. The CEO of our company is a marketing genius. He adopted the business model of the 99 cent only stores. They sell each item for 99 cents when the items retail at normal outlets for 5-8 dollars an item. By doing this they sell higher quantities. We know that if we offer our attorney-based credit repair letters at a fair price, we will help more people who desperately need to fix their credit while also maximizing our revenue. Our letters and bonus materials are well worth hundreds of dollars and are guaranteed to help you raise your credit score. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain. Our affordable price and your commitment to wanting to repair your credit is a win-win for all of us.